Hillside High Acting Troupe Speak Their Truth In New Video
“Being Black In America”
Durham, NC - Current and former members of One Voice, Durham Hillside High School’s premier acting troupe, came together to speak their truths in this powerful new video titled “Being Black in America.” The video was made in response to the recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Watch the video below:
One Voice is the voice of youth empowerment. It’s committed to creating new works that speak to today’s issues. Currently, the nation is faced with several major issues. One Voice members are staying true to its mission by addressing these issues through written and spoken dialogue.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the troupe have used technology to present their acting skills and talents. The actor’s voice continues to be heard even during the pandemic.
assata: general shakur
by Lamont Lilly

they would like us
to forget
the likes of her sacrifices
one dark woman
in plaid shadows
called afro-freedom

fighting yelling teaching
staying alive
on the frontline
imprisoned exiled wounded
still living
loving her people
from the outer edges

etched within our hearts
tucked safely
within our minds
one dark woman
in plaid shadows
called afro-freedom

clawing scratching scraping
staying alive
on the frontline
wow what a warrior
wow what a woman
what a wonderful general
she’s been
Fannie Lou Hamer: Stand Up